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Q: Is the term Gentleman-scholar an insult?
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What term could you use to insult a scholar in the middle ages?

I would never insult a scholar, in the medieval period or now. I would instead insult those who chose ignorance when they have the opportunity to learn.

Why do people call other people gay when they're not?

Those people think the term "gay" is an insult, and they're trying to insult someone. But it's not an insult, and it just make them sound stupid.

What does the term fergle mean?

Its an insult like an idiot or stupid person

What is the yiddish slang for backhanded insult?

The Yiddish term for a backhanded insult is "a shpatzir in di eigene kehile." It translates to "a walk in one's own community," implying a subtle insult disguised as a casual comment.

What is a He-she?

A derogatory (seen as very negitive/an insult) term to any person of the Transgender perspective.

What are sheep shaggers?

It is a derogatory term used to insult a person or nation that keep sheep.

Where does the term 'mutt' come from?

The late 1800s - it was short for the common friendly insult "muttonhead."

Why was the term Gothic once considered to be an insult?

becaus goth or gothic means devil worshiper

Where did the term smart Alec come from?

We can't insult anyone here. If you need a definition-specify,

Is the term 'queer' acceptable to describe a gay person?

The term "queer" is now an acceptable word to describe all members of the LGBT community. Although this was originally an offensive and derogatory word, it has been adopted by the LGBT community as an umbrella term. The reason for adopting this insult was to turn the tables and "hijack" the insult. This turned the insult into a positive term and took away some power from homophobic people. Homphobes had their insult "stolen" from them and used to turn into something positive. Personally, I dislike this word, primarily because of the negative connotations still surrounding it. However, you can usually hear the neutral or negative tone when you are called a "queer".

What is the term 'Gay'?

It can mean happy. But most people use it as an insult which is actually stupid, which means homosexual.