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Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI is recognized by the US Department of Education.

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YES, I would really like to join. The school has a good reputation, and is something I would like to be apart of.

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Q: Is the online Excel high school diploma accredited?
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Where can I find information on accredited online high school diplomas?

If you are seeking an online GED or Online High School diploma, take our online high school courses or online GED test. ... Excel High School is a private, accredited, online high school serving grades 9-12 and adult high school

where can I get accredited high school diplomas at home ?

There are many online opportunities to achieve a high school diploma. A few examples are Excel High School (, Continental Academy (, and Citizens' High School (

Is roosevelt high school diploma is the real deal?

Roosevelt High School online is Totally 100% fake. Roosevelt High School online is part of the fake online schools operated from Pakistan. You need to attend a Regionally accredited online high school to be sure that your diploma will be accepted in the US by colleges and employers. Your online high school must be accredited by AdvancED, NCA CASI, SACS CASI, Northwest Accrediting Commission or DETC to be recognized. Roosevelt High School Diploma is 100% fake and will never be accepted. Select a school such as Excel High School or Penn Foster, which are both Regionally accredited and recognized by the Department of Education.

Is Excel High School accredited for beauty school?

YES, you can attend a college with a diploma from EHS. Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI is recognized by the US Department of Education.

Where can I find out how to earn my high school diploma online?

There are a few accredited sites that will help one get a high school diploma online. Some of these sites include 'High School Diploma Online', 'Aberdeen Academy High School' and 'Excel High School'.

Does the military accept online high school diploma?

Yes, you can join the Army with a diploma from EHS. You will also need to score at least a 31 on your ASVAB exam. Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI. Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI is recognized by the US Department of Education.

Is Excel High School legit?

Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI. to Most Concerns about AccreditationAccreditation is one of the biggest concerns for people who wish to earn a high school or college diploma online. A school accredited by the appropriate accrediting body can grant diplomas that lead to greater income opportunities and higher positions. A diploma that is given by a "fake" school can turn out to be a huge waste of time, energy and money. Do yourself a favor and make sure you know the facts about accreditation before you register for any online program claiming it is accredited.Accreditation Overview.Accreditation is a third party review process for a school's programs and policies to see if it meets certain criteria, generally set by an outside agency. When a school is found to meet the minimum criteria, it is granted accreditation. This process is usually very comprehensive and includes validating the school's claims in depth for accuracy and to protect the consumer.Why is accreditation important?Accreditation is meant to protect students, schools, and employers and ensure academic quality. It ensures that a school is teaching its students at a nationally acceptable level and provides programs that are found to have value and substance. Accrediation also guarantees the schools employs certified instructors that are qualified to teach the appropriate subject matter.When a student receives a diploma from a school accredited by the right agency, he/she can be assured that it will be accepted by all employers, colleges and schools, government agencies and the military. Likewise, when an employer is considering a new hire, they can be assured that a graduate from an accredited online high school has received the training necessary and didn't just pay for a diploma from a "diploma mill" school.What if my school isn't accredited?If you choose a school that isn't accredited, you may find that many businesses and schools won't accept your online high school diploma. It may be difficult to convince employers and colleges to take your diploma seriously, particularly if it is in a traditional subject (math, English, history, etc.) If your diploma is in a less traditional subject, one which most schools do not offer, it may be easier for employers to accept your degree.It also helps to make sure your school is registered with the appropriate State agency; for example the State Department of Education and membership to the Better Business Bureau is also helpful to ensure quality and legitimacy for an online high school diploma program. NPSAA is not recognized by the USDOE.Excel High School is Registered with the Florida Department of Education. We comply with section 229.808 Florida Statutes requiring the yearly completion of the Florida Department of Education Non-Public School Survey.

How accredited is Excel High School?

Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI is recognized by the US Department of Education.

What is a good online high school diploma program?

One among good high school diploma programs is held by Excel High School ( For more information about classes, tuition fees and grants, you may contact them at 1-800-620-3844.

Is Excel High School Online a scam?

Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED, North Central Association CASI and Southern Association of Schools and Colleges CASI.

Is Excel High School regionally accredited?

Yes, Excel High School is Regionally Accredited by AdvancED and the North Central Association. AdvancED and the North Central Association are recognized by the State and US Dept. of Education.

Is Excel High School accepted in community colleges?

Yes, Excel High School students can attend any community college. Excel High School is regionally accredited by AdvancED and the North Central Association CASI.