While it is not accredited, they are licensed by California as a teaching institution and the diploma you receive just means you completed the course. The reality is do you want the piece of paper or the knowledge that you hopefully got to help you understand recording.
Online schools have to be accredited in order to be recognized and Stenford looks like an accredited online school offering high school diploma programs.
I would look online. You can do it through an online school program.
The short answer to your question: yes, there are accredited online high school diploma programs. http://www.ashworthcollege.edu/programs/high-school/ might be a good place to start your search.
Colleges and Universities need to be accredited, a degree rewarded by an accredited institute is considered legitimate and valid. Corllins is an accredited online university. So a PhD or other academic credentials rewarded by the institute are recognized.
what about a accredited online course, will it except this diploma
There are many options for someone who wishes to get their high school diploma online. One such program is www.highschooldiplomasonline.net, an accredited program that offers a high-school diploma.
Generally most colleges and schools accept credentials rewarded by an accredited and recognized institute. Wood field is an accredited online high school so yes it should get accepted by other schools and colleges.
Diploma mills award degrees for doing nothing and they sell it very cheap. Corllins is an accredited online university offering different kind of degree programs. Generally, accredited universities are considered good.
Nation High School is a fully recognized and accredited high school. It is accredited by two reputable accreditation agencies for its online high school diploma programInternational Online Education Accrediting BoardOrganization for Online Learning Accreditation.
The are several online accredited online culinary arts school. You can check cookingschools.com to find listings of various online schools offering degree, diploma, and certificate programs.
Colleges and Universities need to be accredited, a degree rewarded by an accredited institute is considered legitimate and valid. Corllins is an accredited online university. So a PhD or other academic credentials rewarded by the institute are recognized.
The Related Link below places a lot of doubt on that.