Well, honey, the last name 'Cox' ain't exactly sipping sangria in Spain. It's actually of English origin, not Spanish. So, if you were hoping for a siesta in Seville, you might need to rethink your family tree.
There are many people who has this surname Cox, Southeast Asians, Russians, Middle Eastern, South Americans, and most commonly seen as English and Irish Cox, rarely found in Spain, but this surname Cox is also a Spanish surnameand it could ultimately be of Latin origin.
Most likely it could be a spelling variant of Spanish surname Cots. A similar Spanish surname is Cotes, and it also could be a spelling variant. The name Cots perhaps is also a variant of more common surname Cot. This surname Cot/Cots are also found in France, near border of Spain. The surname Cot could derived from Latin name Cote, meaning "stone".
There are Cox bearers in South America, mostly in Chile, perhaps of same origin...
The family surname Cox has its origins in England AND Ireland.
Cox, her last name now is cox not styles! She is not married to harrys dad or her current partner Robin!
Cox is an English surname that is derived from the Medieval nickname cok, which meant "Rooster."it means a name of some one
There are many people who has this surname Cox, Southeast Asians, Russians, Middle Eastern, South Americans, and most commonly seen as English and Irish surname Cox. The last name Cox is rare in France, but it is also a French surnameand it could either be of French origin or Latin origin.The French surname Cox is perhaps a variant of Cots, which perhaps is also a variant of Cot. This surname Cot and other variants are mostly found in Southern France, near borders of Spain, and also found in North and Eastern Spain. This surname Cot/Cots/Cox could derived from Latin name Cote, meaning "stone". Another possible origin is that it could be of French origin, derived from French surname Cotte, meaning "coat of mail", a name for a maker of chain mails. For more information, see related links below.
Anne Cox, I don't know the middle name, though.
Doc Cox's birth name is Robert Cox.
Zaco Cox's birth name is Zac Alexander Cox.
DeWayne Cox's birth name is De Wayne Cox.
Dick Cox's birth name is Elmer Joseph Cox.
Doran Cox's birth name is Cox, Doran Henry.
Eva Cox's birth name is Eva Maria Cox.
Gerard Cox's birth name is Gerardus Antonius Cox.