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The Italian word cinema is masculine, not feminine, in gender.
The Italian word 'papa' is masculine. It means 'pope' in English.
The Italian word torta is feminine, not masculine, in gender. The singular noun in question translates typically as "cake," "pie" or "tart." The pronunciation will be "TOR-ta" in Pisan Italian.
Rinata in the feminine and rinato in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "reborn." The pronunciation will be "ree-NA-ta" in the feminine and "ree-NA-to" in the masculine.
Lemon is masculine in Italian, and the word for lemon is "limone."
Masculine. "devi portare un dolce?"
Cristiana in the feminine and cristiano in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "Christian." The respective pronunciations will be "kree-STYA-na" in the feminine and "kree-STYA-no" in the masculine in Italian.
Odioso in the masculine and odiosa in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English word "hater."Specifically, the Italian words are the feminine and masculine forms of an adjective. The meaning tends to be translated as "hateful." The pronunciation is "oh-DYOH-soh" in the masculine and "oh-DYOH-sah" in the feminine.
Seconda in the feminine and secondo in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "second".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. The feminine form is pronounced "se-KON-da" in Italian. The masculine will be pronounced "se-KON-do".
Alta in the feminine and alto in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "high".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. The feminine form is pronounced "AHL-tah". The masculine form is pronounced "AHL-toh" in Italian.
Bianca in the feminine and bianco in the masculine can be Italian equivalents of the English word "white".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. The feminine form is pronounced "BYAHN-kah". The masculine equivalent is pronounced "BYAHN-koh" in Italian.
"Potente" is an Italian equivalent of "powerful."Specifically, the Italian word is the masculine/feminine singular form of an adjective. The pronunciation is "poh-TEHN-teh." The masculine/feminine plural form, "potenti," is pronounced "poh-TEHN-tee."