dollar is masculine in Hebrew (דולר).
The Hebrew word for wisdom (hokmah) is related to a root meaning "skill" or "care" and came to imply "skill in living."
Masculine: Ochel אוכל
sheleg (שלג) is masculine
The closest word would be the word for "snake," which is nachash (× ×—×©). It is a masculine noun.
mufkar (masculine) mufkeret (feminine)
hatuna is feminine
merukaz (masculine) merukezet (feminine)
Need (masculine, singular)
Need (masculine, singular)
The word "water" is masculine plural in Hebrew, so the pronoun would be הם ("they").
No. Chaver (חבר) is the masculine word for "friend." Chava (חוה) is the Hebrew name for Eve. The female word for friend is chavera (חברה).