samkhut (סמחות) is any kind of authority or power of attorney.
samchut (סמכות) The 3-consonant root is ס.מ.כ (which means to support or rely on)
samchut /samCHu:t//a/ as in 'alive'; /ch/kh/ as in 'Chanukah' or 'Pesach' (that sound is not common in any versions of English); and the same long vowel sound /u:/ as in moo (yep, the cow sound). I hope this is understandable.
The Hebrew word for bowl doesn't have a spiritual meaning.
The Hebrew word for sunflower is khamanit (חמנית) but this word has no spiritual significance in Hebrew. The sunflower itself may have a spiritual meaning in other faiths though.
The Hebrew word for for a spiritual legacy is "morreshet" or "morrasha", and the Hebrew word for material legacy (inherited property) is "yerrusha".
Hebrew National
Outreach Connection - 2007 Exercising Spiritual Authority 3-140 was released on: USA: 1 December 2009
brakhot rukhaniot (ברכות ×¨×•×—× ×™×•×ª)
If you serve in the mission of Jesus in faithfulness to the Bible and in building up the church then you can rest assured that your are under spiritual authority.
Catholics obey the pope because he is their spiritual leader.
lochmá ruchanít (לוחמה ×¨×•×—× ×™×ª)
-- controlling the spiritual as a path to better appreciation of the physical -- controlling the physical as a path to better appreciation of the spiritual