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It's not a property but it is a change , a chemical change.

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Q: Is ripening an example of a physical or a chemical property?
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Is reactivity an example of a physical property?

no. that would be a chemical property

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Is the ability to burn is an example of a physical property?

No , it is chemical property .

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gold is an element

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Flammability is a chemical property.Density is a physical property.

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Zinc is neither. Zinc is an element it HAS physical and chemical properties. For example Zinc is soft this is a physical property

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Is zinc a physical property or a chemical property?

Zinc is not a property; it is a substance. Like all substances it has its own set of physical and chemical properties.

Is soluble a chemical or physical properties?

Physical Property are those that can be observed or measured without affecting the composition of the sample. Density, hardness, viscosity, malleability, solubility, melting temperature, and boiling temperature are some examples of physical property.

A change in a physical property of another substance is a one physical change chemical change physical property?

It is a change of a physical property - for example the variation of temperature.

Is the ability to burn an example of physical properties?

No , it is chemical property .

Is combustibility an example of a physical property?

Yes, combustibility is an example of a physical property. It refers to the ability of a substance to burn or ignite in the presence of oxygen.