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Q: Is reading extensively good for study?
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How you study well to get good marks?

well i study by reading the whole chapter or look back at the notes that we did in class..

Who were the first ancient people to study the earth extensively?

The ancient Greeks, particularly the likes of Thales, Anaximander, and Pythagoras, are considered some of the first people to extensively study the earth and natural phenomena, laying the foundation for Western scientific thought. They proposed theories about the nature of the earth, such as it being a sphere, and sought to understand the principles governing the natural world.

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How does someone become a writer?

By learning how to write -- and you do that by reading a lot and writing a lot. Practice and study make a good writer. Study the writers you enjoy reading to see how they do it, then practice doing it yourself.

Is the study of good grammar overemphasized or underempahsized in schools today?

This is a matter of opinion; in my view, the study of good grammar is underemphasized in schools - as is obvious from reading the questions on this website!

What would be a good sentence using averse?

If you are averse to hard study and intensive reading, how do you expect to get through law school?

Does reading books improve your maths?

To be honest. Not really. It only improves your English. If you are looking to do good in maths study hard.

What study reading is?

studdying reading is where you investigate or learn on reading.

What is the study of map reading called?


How do you make good grades in school all year around?

Study, study, study. Ask questions. Practice. Eat properly, sleep at regular hours, get a bit of exercise outdoors. And study, study, study more. Pay attention, study, do a lot of reading, put effort all your school, and never give up and keep doing the best that you possibly can do, sleep, eat properly. Good Luck! KEEP YOUR GOALS ORGANIZED!!!

What can a study room be called?

A study room can be called a study space, study area, or a quiet room for reading and learning.

What is the study of space and lines?

The study of shapes and lines is called geometry. Thanks for reading!