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Yes it is possible but highly likely that you will be alive after it.An american hacker broke the Sky source code easily and was considering going public until a few heavy's appeared at his door with dodgy lawsuit's and demanded his data or basically he would have a few extra holes in his body,but low and behold he is now working for them and is VERY VERY rich all because Murdoch and his cronies realised his worth and he wouldn't be able to sexual intercourse aka F C U K people over.......

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Q: Is it possible to chip a sky box?
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Why does people use sky box?

Sky box gives you access to the wide channels. You can also choose fro variety of sky boxes available according to your need, With Sky box it is possible to watch HD Channels it is also planning to launch 3D TV in the month of October.

How do you chip a virgin box?

Get the corner and hit it with a brick it will have a chip

Is it possible to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yet?

For free no, but its out on Sky Box Office

How is a sky HD box installed?

A sky hd box is installed in the same way as a regular sky box. You need a sky satellite dish attached to your house, and a cable running to the sky hd box.

What a storage on a chip?

it is a box

What channel is sky box?

Do You Mean Sky Box Office? Sky Box, Is The Thing That Stores All The Channel Information... Sky Box office Should Be In The Category's... With Movies :) x

Is it possible to use a SKY box which is subscribed to SKY services with a different dish at another address.?

As long as the dish is pointing at the Astra 2 position in the sky, then your Sky box will work at any location. The only problem i could see is if the subscription is within the first year of the contract, or if it is a multiroom subscription box, as you need to have the phone line connected to it that is registered at the address on the contract.

What is sky HD box?

A Sky HD Box Is Sky Box But It Has HD Channels So You Can Watch Programmes In High Deffinition.Hope It Helped.

How do you get sky box office on sky?

Your sky box could be broken or if you have free television you will not be able to receive it.

What are sky boxes and where can you get one?

A sky box is a private room at sports stadiums. A sky box can get very, very expensive depending on the event. A sky box at the Superbowl can cost millions!

Can you change sky channel with out pointing remote control at sky box?

Yes by using the buttons on the Sky box!