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Is it compolsury to attend at full education after the age of 16?

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Q: Is it compolsury to attend at full education after the age of 16?
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Related questions

What is non compulsory education?

Compulsory education would been education that is required in the UK. "Compulsory education" means that all children between the ages of 5 and 16 must attend school. If they do not, their parents may be prosecuted. "Children over the age of five and under the age of 16 are of compulsory education age and they must receive full time education. Parents are required to ensure that a child receives efficient full-time education suitable to his or her age, ability and aptitude and to ensure that any special educational needs are met by attendance at school or otherwise. Parents may educate children at home or engage a private tutor, but the Local Education Authority (LEA) must be satisfied that the education is of a sufficiently high standard"

Why do most states require their students to attend school to at least the age 16?

because they need education

In Britain it is the law that everyone between the age of 10 to 18?

In Britain, it is the law that everyone between the age of 10 to 18 must attend full-time education, either at school or through other approved arrangements, such as home education or an apprenticeship program. Non-attendance can result in legal consequences for both the child and their parents or guardians.

How old do you have to be attend college in Ohio?

It is 16, with parents agreement and have a full time job

Benjamin franklins education?

Benjamin Franklin did not attend college. He started out as a printing apprentice for his brother at the age of 12.

How much pocketmoney should give in age 21?

None. They should have a full time job from the age of 18 unless they are attending full time education. Even if they are attending full time education they should have a part time job for any allowances.

Did Jenny Shipley attend Playcentre?

Just like kids her age Jenny Shipley attended the Playcentre as she was pursuing her education.

What is the full form of RTE?

The full form of RTE is Right to Education. It is a fundamental right that guarantees education to all children up to a certain age.

What is Ireland's education?

Ireland's children aren't allowed to attend primary school until the age of four. This helps with the order of things so their education process will be orderly. But, you are still able to homeschool him/her at an early age (or enrol him/her in a pre-school)

What is the complusory education in Ireland?

Maths, Irish and English are the compulsory subjects in school. Students are expected to attend from when they start school at 4 years of age, until their main education finishes with the Leaving Certificate exam, at the age of about 17 or 18. Students often then go on to third level education.

How many years do you attend school in china?

All citizens must attend school for at least nine years. The government provides primary education for six years, starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. §EscapeNinja§

Do French people go to shcool?

Yes, French people attend school from a young age until they complete their education, typically around the age of 18. Education is compulsory in France between the ages of 6 and 16.