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Yes I do thik it is a better idea to have younger students with older stundents.

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Q: Is it better to split elementary schools in Pre K - 2nd grade or Pre K - 5 grade?
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What grades mean elementary school in the us?

It depends on where you live, it's different in different parts of the country. Most often, elementary schools have kindergarten through 5th grade. But there are also places where it goes up to 6th grade, and a few places where it only goes up to 4th grade. I have heard of some other variations as well, such has having a K-3 elementary school and then an "upper elementary" or "intermediate" school for grades 4-5 or 4-6.

Why are schools are split up into grades?

There are several reasons to separate schools by age bracket. The biggest concern is the sheer number of students. Most areas have too many students to keep them in one building. To keep things manageable, it is necessary to have multiple schools (also a reason for dividing an area into separate districts). The actual age brackets were possibly decided by approximate maturity levels (around puberty), although the separation between primary (elementary school, kindergarten through 5th-8th grade) and secondary (high school, 6th-9th though 12 grade) institutions are largely arbitrary. Not all areas have separate middle schools.

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Conroe Independent School District teaches all grades that are included in Primary and Secondary levels. They split their schools into high school and junior high school categories and K-6, intermediate and elementary school categories.

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No, electrons cannot be split into smaller parts. They are fundamental particles that are considered to be elementary particles with no internal structure.

Should schools be split by gender?

how am i supose to know? HUH? well answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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