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Weird, I just happened to be speaking about this to one of my teachers today. I was worried that my IGCSE score would be bad due to my failure in Chemistry and Physics (subjects which are mandatory). For next year my IB will start and I will definitely not be doing those two as it will also decrease my IB score and I pretty much suck at them. Is your situation similar?

When I told my teacher about this they said that usually Universities will look at both your IB and IGCSE score when going into Universities but will look more into your IGCSE score. If you were to get a great IB score (e.g. 35) Universities won't pay attention to your IGCSE.

So to answer your question and conclude my statement you can get into a top university with IGCSE and great IB.

p.s. How bad is bad for your IGCSE and what is your idea for "great" IB score?

Hope I could be a help!

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