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Q: Is half the things we learn in school even useful?
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Why do you study Mesopotamia?

It could be for school or by choice, but, you have to learn new things. Even if you do not want, too.

Should I learn Excel or SQL?

It depends on what you want to do. Both are useful to learn and know about. Knowing either one of them would enable you to do lots of things. Knowing something about both of them would be even better.

Did Archimedes learn the same things at school like were doing today?

yes archimedes did learn the same things as us he was a ordinarily child so was everyone back in the day even i was and im 94 now

Should you or should you not be in school?

It's always a good thing to go to school because obviously you will get more educated and will learn new things. Going to school helps you learn, and even get more active at some point. It's good because you will have a better job and a better life if you go to school. Even though at some point you may feel as if going to school does not help at all but it actually improves the way you learn and a better education ahead.

Do all kids learn?

Yes. In some countries, kids don't go to school that much, but even so, they still learn new things. For example, one day they may learn what their mom's favorite color is, and the next day they may learn how to sew.

How do you know how to builds nests even though they go to school?

There are plenty of ways to learn things without ever going to school. For example, you might learn slang language by watching television at home. As for birds, they learn how to build nests by watching other birds and believe it or not, by learning through their own mistakes.

What exactly is a motorcycle school?

base in my own concept, motorcycle school is a school where you can learn to drive and even fixes motorcycles. it is where you can learn the most basic of handling/carrying it.

Is it always necessary that what you learn in science is useful?

Much of what scientists learn cannot be used -- it's called research, and in research, every wrong answer leads you one step closer to the right one.Here are more opinions:It isn't necessary but it is very helpful. You never know what will be useful sometime in your life. Anything you learn, even if it's not science, can turn out to be useful.Though it is true most of the stuff you learn in science class is helpful (or at least gives you more knowledge of specific things), not all of it will be used in your everyday life, or even at all. For example, if you don't have a job that works with DNA, you won't have to use/apply the knowledge of separating alleles.It is your choice. If you think it's useful, it's useful. If you don't, it won't. But I think it's useful.

What does Helen Keller do to be considered a hero?

Because she was a girl that could learn to talk write and do all those other useful things, even though she was blind and death. Most people that are blind or death or both could not bother to learn taht like Hellen Keller.

How can a dental website be useful in finding a good dentist?

A dental website will tell you many useful things about a potential new dentist. It will tell you where the individual went to school, what specialties (if any) s/he practices, and may even provide customer reviews, which can be some of the most useful information when choosing a new dentist.

Where can I learn about school web?

The best way for you to learn about the school web is for you to contact the school. Often times they will have instructions to help you access, and many even offer workshops to walk you through the programs.

Why do writers revise their paragraphs?

when doing your exams you have to remember things. When you learn things are usually put into the short term memory which lasts about 30seconds. The easiest way to get useful information into your long term memory is repetition, and that is why you need to revise.