The word dozen has two syllables. The syllables of the word are do-zen.
The first syllable
The stressed syllable in the word "colorful" is the first syllable, "col."
The word "lawyer" has the first syllable stressed.
The stressed syllable in the word "morning" is the first syllable, which is "mor."
The first syllable "won" is stressed in the word "wonderful."
The syllable stressed in the word "silent" is the first syllable, "si".
The stressed syllable in the word "modern" is the first syllable, "mod-".
The stressed syllable in the word "wonderful" is the first syllable: "won-".
Menu is stressed on the first syllable.
The first syllable "i" is stressed in the word item.
The stressed syllable in the word "power" is the first syllable, "pow."