Mass . . . kilogram Capacity . . . cubic meter
The pound is a unit of weight or mass, not capacity. A kilogram is a metric unit of mass slightly greater than 2 pounds .
The kilogram is the official unit of mass.
The standard unit of mass in the metric system is the kilogram (kg). It is equivalent to 1000 grams.
The kilogram is one of the 7 basic units of the SI (the current metric system).
The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.
The metric standard unit of mass is the kilogram (Kg).
You can't compare the two. A barrel is a unit of volume, a metric tonne (1000 kilogram) is a unit of mass.You can't compare the two. A barrel is a unit of volume, a metric tonne (1000 kilogram) is a unit of mass.You can't compare the two. A barrel is a unit of volume, a metric tonne (1000 kilogram) is a unit of mass.You can't compare the two. A barrel is a unit of volume, a metric tonne (1000 kilogram) is a unit of mass.
The standard unit in the metric system for measuring mass is the kilogram (kg).
Milliliters is the metric unit to use for the capacity of a thimble.