4.0 GPA is needed and an sat score of 1920.
For most colleges and universities 1400 SAT score is considered a good score for admissions.
there is no such score. it is up to 2400
no. it is the worst grade
You don't know how to use punctuation so your SAT score probably isn't going to do you much good in life.
If you are talking about credit score, understand that I am not a credit expert, but since a credit score of 620 is bad, 215 would be a terrible credit score. If this is for a test like the SAT, this is also horrible. The average score of the SAT is about 500, and even that isn't that good of a score.
i think a good one
Your SAT score is out of 2400. Each section is scored out of 800 points. I'm in year six my Sat results have came i IV got 6A and my score is 2200/2400 i hope you do well good luck for now
A great old SAT score would typically be above 1500 out of 2400. This translates to roughly 1550 or higher on the redesigned SAT out of 1600.
It is almost exactly average. The average score in 1997 was 1016.