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In Folklore, Imps are mischevious little creatures who cause havoc.

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How do you get demon bones in okamiden?

Red Imps, Yellow Imps, Blue Imps, Fire Eyes and Bone Clams.

When was The Oxford Imps created?

The Oxford Imps was created in 2003.

Where are red dragons in RuneScape?

They are called imps, you can fight them they are L2 imps

Where can you find a bunch of imps in runescape?

there are a lot of imps near karamja volcano on karamja island

Where are imps in RuneScape?

I usually find Imps running in and around Varrok and Falador, but i have seen them all over!

Who are the authorities in Hinduism?

Beelzebub and his imps

What does imps mean in Star Wars?

Imp is short for Imperial, meaning any Stormtrooper or any Imperial Officer. Imps is simply the plural of that.

What imps have the yellow and white beads in runescape?

Imps drop all colors when it comes to beads, they're all part of a random drop.

What are the release dates for Being Ian - 2004 Planet of the Imps?

Being Ian - 2004 Planet of the Imps was released on: USA: 7 June 2005

If Jagex took races such as goblins and imps and made them playable in the future what would you want to play as?

I for one would choose imps because of their ability to teleport.

What is imp of law of demand?

There are no such creatures as "imps", they are imaginary.

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