There are numerous accepted accreditation agencies within the U.S. Department of Education ranging from specialized (religious and nursing) to regional (Southwest and Middle States) to online or distance (Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)). Each of these are responsible for evaluating and accrediting colleges, universities, trade schools and religious schools that fit within their areas or fields of expertise. A school like Central Texas College may have campuses scattered throughout the U.S. and at military bases around the world but their main campus is in Killeen, Texas so they are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS, Commission on Colleges. Every accepted accrediting agency and the schools they have accredited are listed on the webpage for the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) at You can search for your specific school by going to and entering your school under Institution Name. If your school is accredited it will provide you with the accrediting agency. If it is not, it will show you 0 institutions found.
This was the long answer. The short answer is, Yes. Pittsburgh Technical Institute located in Oakdale, PA is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
The motto of Pittsburgh Technical Institute is 'We take you there'.
Pittsburgh Technical Institute was created in 1946.
@ Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Is city and gilds technical institute 1 is accredited british overseas examination institute and what courses does it offer
Universal Technical InstituteAvondale, ArizonaThe school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. I cannot speak for the schools reputation, however, the coursework and degree one completes through this institution will not be recognized by the traditional regionally accredited colleges and universities. Universal Technical Institute, Inc. offers specialized technical education programs under the banner of several well-known brands, including Universal Technical Institute (UTI), Motorcycle Mechanics Institute and Marine Mechanics Institute (MMI) and NASCAR Technical Institute (NTI).Annual tuitition (Fall 2009)Tuition and fees: $16,015For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section.
The Lincoln Technical Institute has several locations around the country. In Connecticut, locations are Cromwell, East Windsor, Hamden, Hartford, New Britain, Shelton, and Suffield. In Florida, the locations are Fern Park, which is in Orlando, and Seminole, which is in St. Petersburg. In Massachusetts, the locations are Brockton, Lowell, and Somerville. In New Jersey, the locations are Edison, Mahway, Moorestown, Paramus, South Plainfield, and Union. The only location in New York is Queens. In Pennsylvania, the locations are Allentown, Philadelphia, Northeast Philadelphia, and Center City Philadelphia. There is one location in Rhode Island at Lincoln.
No it is not a scam. The institution specializes in Motorcycle Mechanics Institute and Marine Mechanics Institute (MMI) and NASCAR Technical Institute (NTI). However, if you plan to continue your education through the regionally accredited colleges and universities, none of the credits you complete through this institution will be accepted.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section.
Typically, the prerequisite coursework is taken at regionally accredited colleges and universities before applying to the schools of pharmacy.
ITT Technichal Institute campuses are located in nearly every state in the US. There are 100+ campuses troughout the country as well as a variety of programs that can be earned online.
IT qualifications usually involve a degree of some sort from an accredited college such as ITT Technical Institute or DeVry University. Computer knowledge is a must.
TDDS Technical Institute was created in 1973.