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Any name that you want to name your character is a good name -- they're YOUR characters! Here is a good name generator website if you have trouble picking names.

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Q: Is Paris a good name for a main story character?
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What was Paris the goddess of?

Paris was not a goddess - he was a man, a main character in the story of Helen of Sparta.

How can you tell a main character is a main character?

The main character, or protagonist, is the one the story's about. The character who is in most of the scenes -- or talked about the most -- will be the main character.

What is the definition of protagonist?

The main or lead character (or hero / heroine) in a story or event.It is the good guy in the story, who may be opposed by an antagonist (bad guy).A protagonist is the character in which the story surounds. Otherwise, the main character.He is the:-good guy-main character-the movie/book is his storyThe protagonist is a character in a story, usually the main character. It is very often that the Protagonist is facing an antagonist, which is against the protagonist. the antagonist is usually portrayed as an evil person or creature, and the protagonist often wins and defeats the antagonist at the end. (basically, the protagonist is the good guy and main character)The main character in a literary work.Protagonist means the main person or character in the story.

Can a house be the main character of a story?

Anything or anyone can be the main character of a story. There are several stories where a house is the main character.

In the short story who was the main character?

The main character of the short story was a young woman named Sarah.

What is a protagoniste?

A protagonist is the "hero" in a story or play. He or she is the main character, the one that the story is mainly about. He is opposed by the antagonist or "villain."

What is the main character of a story?

The main character is known as the protagonist.

Who is the protagonist main character?

The main character in a story is the protagonist.

Who is main character of story?

Assuming that you mean the main character of any story, it would be the Protagonist.

What is difference between a main character and a minor character?

Main character is strongly emphasized in the plot, and the story will mostly revolve around them with little or no parts without them. A minor character is someone with a lot of parts and important to the story, but not 100% needed. Would usually be a good friend or enemy of the main character.

Who is the main character of a story?

The main character, or the central/primary character of a story is called the protagonist. It comes from the Greek word "protagonistes", which means "one who plays the first part, chief actor". The character that is the opponent of the protagonist is called the antagonist. The antagonist represents or creates and obstacle that the protagonist must overcome.

What is the main female character of a story called?

The main female character of a story is often referred to as the protagonist or the heroine. They are typically central to the plot development and drive the story forward.