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Terrible school, i am a lifer at cranbrook (meaning, i have been going there my whole life) and the only thing this school has inspired me to do was kill myself, homework load is over the top unfair if you play sports for the school. Keep away from this school unless you are a un-athletic prodigy and you cry about 99%'s.

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Q: Is Cranbrook Schools US a good boarding school?
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Choate Rosemary Hall is a great boarding school located in north of New Haven Connecticut. It has 32 sports and is considered one of the best boarding schools in the country.

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Boarding School?

Yeah, tons!!! I go to boarding school, and mine is really cool! A lot of International schools are boarding schools and you meet people from all around the world and it makes you a very well rounded person. Very good!

What all girls boarding schools would you recommend?

Some of the boarding school areas that you might consider are New York City where all girl boarding schools are more prominent and highly regarded. There are also all girl boarding schools such as the Diamond Ranch Academy, in Utah, or the Annie Wright School, in Tacoma, WA. It all depends on the location you are looking at to choose a good school for your daughter, though.

What are the best boarding schools in Perth?

In Perth western Australia, there are many options for boarding schools, and really it depends mostly on the gender of the school. for boys schools such as scotch college and Aquinas are fair options, however the best is no doubt Hale School located in Wembley Downs. The school has the newest, largest and overall best boarding house in the southern hemisphere. For girls St Hildas and St Mary's are both good options.

What are some good boarding schools for teens in NC?

There are several good boarding schools for teens in NC that specialize in troubled teens. Some of them include, Stone Mountain School which specializes in boys with ADHD, New Leaf of NC is a school for girls and SUWS of the Carolinas which is a wilderness program that's a better alternative to boot camp.

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I live in Indiana, so I don't have a real easy answer. I did some research and found that Glenwood School for boys and girls is a rather good school for children.

Are there any boarding schools in the US that have really good ballet programs but are relatively inexpensive?

Well if you are a really good dancer you could get a scholarship to one or several boarding schools.The Harid Conservatory is a really good school and has appeared to be the least expensive of them all. Also, Noth Carolina School of the Arts is an excellent boarding program, but of course almost all of these are expensive. Walnut Hill School of the Arts in Natick Massachusetts is also really good.

Where can I find information about boarding schools online?

Here's a link to a website that will help you learn more about boarding schools and which one is best for your daughter. Good luck!

Are boarding schools good for a troubled teen?

American boarding schools are among the many alternative solutions recommends parents of troubled teens. These schools are privately owned facilities that help teens with a broad range of problem behavior. Utilizing our resources, parents can find an alternative school to meet the particular needs of their teen including low self-esteem, anger management, disrespect and defiance of authority figures. Boys and girls boarding schools provide individual attention with a good balance of scholastic and emotional support.