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75 out of 100 is neither a good nor bad percentage. The commutative average as a GPA would be 2.0.

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Q: Is 75 100 a good or bad grade as a percentage gpa commutative average?
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Related questions

What is a 75 in a letter grade?

A 75 on the percentage scale is considered a C grade. This grade is neither good nor bad, it's average. On the GPA scale it is a 2.0.

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A 2.5 grade average is usually seen as the minimum GPA to get into a "good" college.

Is 75 a good or bad grade as a whole comulative average GPA?

A 75 is neither a good or a bad grade as a whole cumulative average GPA. A 75 would be an average grade. In a A, B, C, D, and F grading system, a 75 would be a C.

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Is 1.27 a good grade point average?

no... that is absolutely awful...

Is getting a C grade in both English and Maths good?

two C are not bad they c are good you coke a=100 and lower until you get to 93 if you get an f is 69 and ;lower its a an last grade of a good grade which is an average

How good is 17 out of 28?

Putting it into percentage form you will get approximately 61%. To do this you simply divide 17 by 28. So based on percentage I would say that if this were a grade then this is not very good. However if this was say a batting average (in this case the hitter would be hitting .607), then that would be excellent. So to your question of how "good" it is, I'll have to say that it all depends on the circumstances surrounding your data.

What is the average time to run a 400meter in 8th grade I run a 54.96sec and i think that is good but im not sure?

that's a really good time for eighth grade girl. that's probably average for a guy though. i am in eighth grade and im a girl and i run it in 1:07