There is no such language as Celtic. Celtic refers to a group of more than a dozen different languages, six of which are still spoken today:
Irish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic
Is tú mo ghrá "You are my love."
Tá grá agam duit. "I have love for you."
Is mo ghrá thú or mo grá thú "You are my love"
Táim i ngrá leat "I'm in love with you"
mo ghrá thú
Táim i ngrá leat. ('I am in love with you')
Is tú mo ghrá (you are my love)
mo ghrá thú (you are my love)
The Irish word for love is grá
graw (grá)
the word love is spelt grá
Irish Love was created in 2001-01.
Irish Love has 301 pages.
Your in Irish Gaelic is: bhurthe Irish word for your is: bhur
It is an Irish word.
It isn't an Irish word.
'Colt' is not an Irish word. The Irish word for colt is bromach.
I love you love
'Will' is not an Irish word and has no meaning in Irish.
The Irish word for plant isplandaí