She was cited for disorderly conduct for her indiscriminate deeds.
Indiscriminate regards the committing actions without restraint. A negative aspect total conventional and nuclear forms of warfare are the indiscriminate destruction to and losses of life.
"Having indiscriminate sexual relationships can increase the risk of contracting HIV." "The indiscriminate gunfire injured at least a half dozen innocent bystanders." "There are now resistant strains of bacteria due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics for minor infections."
"Having indiscriminate sexual relationships can increase the risk of contracting HIV." "The indiscriminate gunfire injured at least a half dozen innocent bystanders." "There are now resistant strains of bacteria due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics for minor infections."
Indiscriminate is an Adjective and it has two meanings: 1. Choosing at random and without careful selection: Ex: I choose my friends indiscriminately. Ex: When it comes about culture, I am an indiscriminate reader of cultures. 2. Not marked by discrimination The indiscriminate slaughter of right wales brought that species to the brink of extinction.
indiscriminate logging
The word 'indiscriminate' is an adjective, used to describe a noun as random; as without consideration; as confused or chaotic; as unrestrained or wanton.Examples:I don't like him watching the little kids because of his indiscriminate use of nasty words.He is indiscriminate in his dress; he will wear anything that fits him.Her indiscriminate spending has gotten her into serious debt.
If a person is being indiscriminate, they are acting randomly or on a whim, without judgment. You can learn about the definition of indiscriminate at the Dictionary website.
indiscriminate weapons are weapons that are aimed at a group of people but are hard to control and often lead to civilian fatalities. a gun is a discriminate weapon, you point it at someone and you shoot. but a land mine is an indiscriminate weapon, they can and often do kill civilians.
An indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
Indiscriminate means to do something randomly or without careful judgment. An example would be doing a crime without thinking about what would happen.
Indiscriminate dumping.