When the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) issues a policy statement, this is the consensus statement reflecting the current best practices and medical advice. The AVMA tends to limit policy statements to very general topics, such as the acceptable methods of euthanasia for various animals - the AVMA doesn't issue recommendations regarding what vaccines your pet should receive (except for rabies vaccination for all mammalian pets).
In veterinary medicine, policy statements issued by the American Veterinary Medical Association represent the consensus of opinion on a specific topic among veterinarians in this country.
consensus of an opinion on a specific topic.
Statement of holdings
Blank and live-fire ammunition will not be stored in or issued from the same building at the same time
Veterinary licenses are issued by each State in the US for practice within their borders.
DVM = Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, VMD = Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris - these are equivalent professional degrees issued by colleges of veterinary medicine. PhD = Doctor of Philosophy - academic degree denoting the highest level of academic proficiency in one of any number of subjects, usually preceded by a bachelors and masters degree in the same field, including non-medical fields like education, history, physics, etc., and awarded by most universities.
Students for a Democratic Society.
A signing statement.
The teacher issued a statement declaring that she would not accept any late work.
is a ten year bond issued at par reported as a non-cash flow in a statement of cash flow?
Three financial statements are required to be issued: a statement of financial position (balance sheet), a statement of activities (income statement), and a statement of cash flows