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in Switzerland there is free education.

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Q: In Switzerland is education free for male children?
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Why is Islamic education intended only for male children?

Islamic education was never intended ONLY for male children, please check your questions before you ask them, Islam is for everyone, male or female and it is suitable for any person any place at any time.

What does girl from Switzerland?

Somebody from Switzerland, male or female, is called 'Swiss'.

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To join the army.

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George A. Male has written: 'Education in France'

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Bellerophon's children with Philonoe: Isander (male) Hippolochus (male) Laodamia (female)

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Was School made when Joan of Arc was born?

Not school as we know it. Royalty received an education, and occasionally wealthier families could hire tutors for their male children. However, formal schools weren't created, and girls and peasant children did not receive an education. Joan of Arc herself was not educated.

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Spartan children were educated in a strict and disciplined manner, focusing primarily on military training, physical fitness, and practical skills like hunting and survival. They were also taught obedience, self-discipline, and the values of courage and loyalty to the Spartan state. Girls received some education in physical fitness and dance, but their education was mainly centered around preparing them for motherhood and supporting the needs of the state.

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Is softball for male or females?

for children.