wie geht's dir (pronounced- this is a bit gross, i know- wee GETS deer)
A flower in German is called "Blume".
"snakes" are called "Schlangen" in German.
"Father" is called "Vater" in German.
"They are called" translates into German as "sie heißen".
A group of German submarines is called a Wolfpak.
The German airforce was called the Luftwaffe.
The leader of the German government is called the Bundeskanzler.The German head of state is called the Bundespräsident.
german U-boats were submarines. in German they are called Unterseeboot
In German it is called Schweiz.
These German Pennsylvania immigrants are called the Pennsylvania Dutch, a misnomer- the German word for German is "Deutsch," but these people were mistakenly called Dutch.
Christmas in German is called Weihnacht
German traitors