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wie geht's dir (pronounced- this is a bit gross, i know- wee GETS deer)

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Q: In German what is called for how are you?
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What a flower is called in German language?

A flower in German is called "Blume".

What are 'snakes' called in German?

"snakes" are called "Schlangen" in German.

What is father called in German?

"Father" is called "Vater" in German.

How do you say 'they are called' in German?

"They are called" translates into German as "sie heißen".

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A group of German submarines is called a Wolfpak.

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The German airforce was called the Luftwaffe.

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The leader of the German government is called the Bundeskanzler.The German head of state is called the Bundespräsident.

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german U-boats were submarines. in German they are called Unterseeboot

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In German it is called Schweiz.

Corruption of a German word used as a term for German immigrants in Pennsylvania?

These German Pennsylvania immigrants are called the Pennsylvania Dutch, a misnomer- the German word for German is "Deutsch," but these people were mistakenly called Dutch.

How do you say Christmas in German?

Christmas in German is called Weihnacht

What are German soldiers that help the british called?

German traitors