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The teacher should be the one to be ashamed of his or her behavior. Berating a person is never acceptable especially when the attacker is an adult of authority over a person who is underage. Discussing the matter as to the pros and cons of such a decision is a far better choice. In regards to an "uneducational class" I have no idea what that might be, as one can learn from any experience be it a positive or negative one. I was raised to believe (and do believe) that you never base your self-worth or self-esteem if you prefer, on another person's opinion. Well, first of all, if it's not educational, why is the school offering it? Second, your teacher has a right to opinion, but it should make no difference to you at all. Do what makes you happy, and everyone else can go jump off a bridge or something. I agree with both posters, but would like to add, the teacher used a poor choice of words and possibly wanted you to get enough credits to graduate and if you take this uneducational class you could be risking this. I too have no idea what course could possibly be offered that wouldn't give you the credits you need.

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Q: If you transferred out of a class because you decided to take an uneducational class and your former teacher said you should be ashamed of yourself should you be?
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