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Just tell him you love kissing him and if he doesn't take the hint that he should kiss you at school, then he is simply idiotic a boyfriend should kiss his girlfriend at all times. In front of friends, behind backs, in front of the whole school, wherever. I'm a dude and if I didn't kiss my girlfriend at school, we'd never really kiss. But just try to tell him if he really likes/loves you, he'd kiss you at school.

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13y ago
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12y ago

im in middle school so when i had a lock in that's when i made my move i sat there with her till my freinds and hers got the idea so i started talking and like when we were looking at one another when we were talking i leaned a little and she got the idea and she started to lean and we kissed. and now were kiss as if it was hugging -this is not for youngsters-

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11y ago
Look at her and give her a nice comment and go across her cheek with your thumb. Then go in 70 percent of the way and let her do the rest.
Slowly and carefully, and only if she's ready.
You want to first embrace, girl's arms around the guys neck, guys hands on her waist. Gently move closer together. this is all about being gentle!! touch lips, and if you are not ready for a french kiss, keep your mouth closed. you can't kiss well with your head perfectly straight, so decide which way each partner will go. you can stay in this position for quite awhile.
If you want to french kiss, same position, with your head tilted slightly. gently open your partners mouth with your tongue, o r a combo of your jaws and lips, keep mouth open. press your tongue against the other persons, but don't go too far into their mouth, they might be uncomfortable. when you feel like your mouths are falling apart, then just do a biting motion, but no teeth! If the otherr person pulls away, don't get hurt, sometimes they just need air, or are a little overwelmed. if you are a new couple, don't move your hands from the postion. if you are a guy, the girl WILL get uncomfortable you touching her, unless its okay.
make sure your lips are wet, dry lips don't move well together. brush your teeth or if you don't have time at least pop a breath mint. when you start getting closer to their face tilt your head and start closing your eyes as you get towards them, place your lips on theirs gently and start with a light closed mouth kiss. slowly open your mouth and touch the girls tonuge, if the girl wants more she'll come back for it. use your hands and move them slowly up aqnd down her back or through her hair, dont touch her boobs or butt alot, girls dont like that.
make sure your lips are wet, dry lips don't move well together. brush your teeth or if you don't have time at least pop a breath mint. when you start getting closer to their face tilt your head and start closing your eyes as you get towards them, place your lips on theirs gently and start with a light closed mouth kiss. slowly open your mouth and touch the girls tonuge, if the girl wants more she'll come back for it. use your hands and move them slowly up aqnd down her back or through her hair, dont touch her boobs or butt alot, girls dont like that.
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14y ago

Try to make it a short and friendly kiss that way he'll think it's in a friendly gesture (if you don't want him to know you like him). If you want him to know, make it a little longer, but not too long! You'll want to leave him wanting more.

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7y ago

Don't rush her. She may not be ready. Try leaning in toward her when things are getting hot between you two. If she wants to kiss you, she'll lean in too. If there are rules against it unless your girlfriend is a Snitch do it in the halls or at recess away from teachers

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13y ago

Touch her in increasingly more sensual ways leading up to the kiss.

Touch her arm for emphasis when you are talking.

Touch her hand. Looking at jewelry is a good excuse.

Touch her hair. Asking if it is her natural color, if she ever wears it up, has ever cut it short/used to have it long, or even when she washed it is a good excuse. If she is comfortable with you touching her hair and doesn't recoil at all, then she is kissable, you can go for it here.

Take her hand and hold it as you talk. If you have done the above, it will be acceptable at this point. Don't look at her hand or draw attention to it, just do it.

Squeeze her hand and see if she squeezes back, this is another kiss-tell. No girl ever squeezes back if she isn't ready to kiss.

Stop talking, pause, tilt head and look at her. See if she is comfortable. If she is you can kiss.

What if she turns her face when you try to kiss?

Kiss her cheek and then her neck! She will turn around and kiss you. This is not a rejection but most guys assume it to be and back away. Do this and you can turn her on even more.

So, now you know how to touch her, but it will still not be 100% smooth if you are still in the same character as you are when talking to your hairdresser i.e. boring and acting like a friend instead of lover. You need to:

Establish a sexual vibe as you escalate the physical contact. You do this by:

More intense eye contact

Slower, smoother, deeper voice

Look at her in a sexual way, start to look at her lips as well as her eyes and see if she reciprocates. If she does she is imagining kissing you.

Sometimes, even with no work on your part, she will want you. When a girl wants to kiss you:

She squeezes your hand.

She looks at your lips or looks down.

She touches your chest instead of arm.

She is comfortable with hard eye contact even when no one is speaking.

She touches her own lips for a second then pulls away quickly

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12y ago

It has to be romantic. Be in a romantic area or just a bedroom and talk about how you enjoy each other. Then slowly lean in, close your eyes, then kiss her

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13y ago

lick her open mouth

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Q: If you have a girlfriend in elementary school how do you get them to kiss you?
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How do you get a girlfriend at elementary school?

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you don't get people to do things, if you want to kiss her, ask her if she's willing to kiss you, if she's your girlfriend she'll likely be willing to kiss you

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sweet heart there is no reason for you to rush growing up. just wait! ENJOY being a kid!!!

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If you love her you wouldn't care about cameras, so i say just kiss her !

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It depends on you. But I feel school is place for studies, you can display romance after or outside school.

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First check if he has a girlfriend then if not get your friend to ask him if he would kiss you then check if he had a dirty girlfriend before then you can go with him after school and kiss him. hope that helped ;P

How do you kiss in elementary school?

If you plan on going that far, why dont you have sex in the change rooms. Jesus Christ.

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How should you kiss your fourth grade girlfriend in school?

Should 4th graders really be kissing? And in school? Inappropriate.

How do you kiss your 4th grade girlfriend in school without?

2 things, One it's not really girlfriend more of a crush really And second, You don't kiss her! You're too young, I'm 13 and even i haven't kissed my girlfriend

Is it ok to kiss my girlfriend after school when she doesn't want to?

You can try but if she doesn't want to then you must accept it.