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School laws are a completely separate entity to marriage laws and you have to go to school until the law says you can graduate.

AnswerJust because you are married doesn't mean that you don't have to go to school, and why would you want to quit. Without school you will not be able to get a good job at all. Making minimum wage for the rest of your life will not cut it, believe me. Please stay in school, nothing, not even a marriage is more important than your education.
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Q: If you are underage and get married do you have to go to school?
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Can someone get married underage?

You can with your parent's permission.

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lol... no where

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You don't get married under age !

How do you get married when you are underage?

Well if you are underage you will need parent's consent and judge or magistrate order. That's practically the only way you can do it.

Could you get married if underage in las Vegas?

Parental Consent.

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Parental consent has nothing to do with the laws in place. If you are underage by the laws view, you are still underage. if you wonder if marriage emancipates you, yes it does.

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Engaged and Underage - 2007 Just Married 1-9 was released on: USA: 19 March 2007

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A girl can get married at 14, a boy at 16 with parental permission.

What school did Jessy Jamilet go?

As of August 2013, Jessy Jamilet has not disclosed the name of the school she attends. This is simply for privacy reasons because the young singer is underage.

Can you get married underage?

No. You must be an adult, or have parental permission if 16 or older.