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I personally use to go to kumon and teach math/reading specifically such as adding fractions they teach it like reducing and so on the question i don't think its bad because they will teach you into success and you can use your function in the future

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Q: If kumon does not follow the school syllabus is it bad for children?
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Related questions

What age group are Kumon Books suggested for?

Kumon books are educational books in math and reading. They are primarily designed for elementary school children but can be useful to anybody on an educational level equivalent to the book in hand.

When did kumon start?

Toru Kumon invented Kumon. His son was having difficulty with maths at school. To help his son he made up Kumon. Soon he was good at maths. All the parents asked him how he was so good. Now there is Kumon all over the world.

How old is Kumon Institute?

In 1954, Kumon began to teach his oldest son, who was doing poorly in mathematics in primary school, and developed what would later become known as the Kumon method.

Are there anybody or any organiztions that think kumon is bad for children?

Yeah ALL of them!

For what education can Kumon workbooks be used for?

Kumon workbooks are used to help children learn basic skills. The books are aimed at children aged between 2 and 8 years old, as well as grades 1 to 6.

Why did the man who made Kumon call it Kumon?

Kumon Learning Centers, and the Kumon method they teach, are named for their creator, Toru Kumon.

Was kumon by the Philippines?

Yes, Kumon is available in the Philippines with numerous centers across the country. It offers academic enrichment programs for students from pre-school to high school levels in subjects like math and reading.

Should you attend Kumon?

Kumon is a Japanese-designed learning program in which students can advance at their own pace, and which uses large amounts of worksheets to practice language and mathematical skills.Many children hate kumon as being repetitive and time-consuming. The latter is particularly important when the Kumon is added to the student's homework from school. If children do not appreciate school, there is little reason to expect that they would like Kumon any more.In general, however, it would appear that Kumon helps pupils to do Maths, Japanese or English. It is difficult to know, however, whether Kumon does a good job at helping their students to learn the material. It would be helpful if rather than the promotions of the company and the complaints of students, parents with experience with Kumon would tell us whether or not Kumon helped their student.Although Kumon may help, but its curriculum may be defective. In the case of maths, it has very little trigonometry and geometry is ignored.

Where does Toru kumon live?

In Kumon Office

Where are the locations of kumon?

Kumon is all over the US.

When did Toru Kumon die?

Toru Kumon died in 1995.

When was Toru Kumon born?

Toru Kumon was born on March 26, 1914.