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10 negative classroom conditions or disruptive behaviors that influence a teaching environment:

  1. Unmet needs - needs for safety , to fit in, hope, self-respect, authority , having fun and struggle to win. If any of those needs are not being met the student is more likely to behave inappropriately, become unfocused, and uncomfortable.
  2. Thwarwted desires happen when a student wants something badly .but does not succeed in getting it. They become a menace, by being destructive, moping, showing displeasure, complainant, moping and acting out.
  3. Expediency as we all want to enjoy life and make it easier, so do the students, however, when they try to the make shortcuts, or forget to do homework, conveniently, or avoid work altogether even if they break some rules. Even as adults we tend to want to copy and paste that 1500 word paper we need to turn in.
  4. Urge to transgress is the feeling we all get when we want to break a rule or two. As professionals we as teachers know that we need to act professionally and therefore do not give in to that urge. However, students do give in to that urge , more often when the classroom get boring for them.
  5. Temptation is an attraction to something, person, object or even situation, it can be music , lifestyle, manners of speaking, a fashion of clothing, or even cheating on a test or a written assignment. The acting out on these temptations can lead to be a behavior that is serene, or relentless, it depends on the attraction the student has, as to how much they will on occasion associate, or take on that temptation.
  6. Inappropriate habits are bad habits that are in violation of standards of behavior that are established and expected. Examples of this are a student using profanity at school or calling someone names.
  7. Poor behavior choices the behaviors of students who in some kind of attempt to be accepted, use behaviors that are unacceptable.
  8. Avoidance is the other face of the ability to face failure, intimidation, or ridicule among other things like unpleasant situations and maltreatment. Therefore students tend to hideaway, escape, even refuse to participate in school activities.
  9. Egocentric personality belongs to students who only focus on themselves as they have the belief they are better than anybody else. These students have the belief that nothing they do is wrong, and they are always right.
  10. Neurological Based Behavior, some students behave badly because they want to, however, there are some students that cannot help their behavior. Those students do not have full control of their brain function and cannot help the way they act. This may involve various conditions as mental health issues, learning disabilities, ADHD (attention --deficit hyperactivity disorder) , autism, spectrum disorder, and other disorders.
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Q: Identify 10 negative classroom conditions and or disruptive behaviors that influence the teaching environment?
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