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If the 30 credits are requirements of your declared major and you are a full-time student attending a school that operates on a semester system, it will take approximately one year to complete the degree. However, it also depends on the credit load carried per semester.

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Q: I have 30 credits how long will it take you to get an AA degree?
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It depends on what degree you are completing, but most master's degrees require 30-36 credits to be completed after the bachelor's degree.

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from 30 to 72 (approximately)

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How many college credits are needed to obtain a masters degree?

It depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 credits - once again - depending of the program of study.

How many credits do you need to receive a master's degree?

Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.Ir depends on the specific program of study. The master's degree can range from 30 credits to 60 plus. once again depending on the program.

What is the standing if you have 32 credits in an associate's degree program?

If you are referring to status, you would be a sophomore. Less than 30 credits is freshman standing, 30 or more is sophomore standing.