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well ya sure you should all the guys here im America r so nice but some r jerks so b carefull bout that k?

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Q: I are going to a new school in America from Ireland it's completely different im going into 8th grade should I date any guys?
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One thing that is different from Ireland and America?

Choose between;PopulationSizeHistory + CultureSchools Programme (High School?? It's Secondary School!!)CurrencyAnd other basic subjects and ways of lifethat differ in many countries.

What are the dates of the mid term school holidays in the republic of Ireland between Easter and the end of June?

most schools have different school holidays

Did Leonardo graduate?

Education was completely different from today's school system, so a comparison is not possible.

Can a non EU go to school in Ireland?

Students from outside the EU can come to study in Ireland. There are different regulations for different countries in terms of visa requirements and rules that the Garda National Immigration Bureau will apply to people coming into Ireland, so it would be necessary to check the relevant regulations that apply to your country in relation to Ireland.

Does Ireland have public or private school?

Ireland has public schools and Ireland has private schools.

When is high school musical 3 released in Ireland?

hi jus wondering when high school muscial will be released i Ireland as its was a poular film in Ireland

When is a child considered done with school in Ireland?

In Ireland children start school at about 4 years of age and are in school until about 17 or 18.

Is there school in Ireland?


When was Wallace High School - Northern Ireland - created?

Wallace High School - Northern Ireland - was created in 1880.

How are Japan and America different?

Japan: At high school, lunch time is when they get to go to different classes to eat or do whatever, but they don't go outside the school, the dont have cafeterias. America: Americans go outside and eat at tables when its lunch or they go to work. THEY HAVE DIFFERENT CULTURES!!

Can you transfer from law school or med school to a completely different graduate school program?

That will depend on the school. Some will allow you to transfer between schools. Others might require you to simply reapply.

Who attends school in Ireland?

the Irish