

Best Answer

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

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No you cannot. You must complete all the requirements of the program and must have your graduation validated by the Office or the Registrar.

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Q: I am 9 credits short of a BA I have only 3 electives left to take Can I say that I have an associate's degree?
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What degree can you obtain in a short time?

The shortest in length of time for a college degree would be an associates degree. Read the following.The associates degree is designed as a two year program of study as a full-time student provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college, and provided the student does not require prerequisite coursework as a result of basic skills testing. There are some programs of study that may take a bit longer depending on the number of credits required. Usually these are programs within the health related fields. In addition, for students who require developmental course work as a result of basic skills testing, it would take longer. How much longer would depend on the extent of the developmental courses they are required to take. Evidently, those individuals who attend college on a part-time based would also extend their time in school. How much longer would depend on the credit load carried each semester. Typically, an associates degree takes between 60 and 64 credits to complete depending on the specific school, program of study, and state mandates.

What is abs degree?

"Abs degree" is not a recognized term or unit of measurement. It is possible that it may be a typo or a misunderstood term. If you provide more context or clarify the intended meaning, I'll be happy to try and help you further.

Can I obtain an associates degree for Dental Assisting?

Yes, you can get an associates degree for Dental Assisting. It is called the Associates Degree in Applied Science for Dental Assisting. You will first need to get your Certified Dental Assisting Diploma certification. Then you can further your education by enrolling in a short program to obtain your degree. You will become an Expanded Duties Dental Assistant, and make more money because you'll be able to take x-rays, and you will have more education. It pays better than just the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) . You should contact Local schools in your area for this program.

What time required to complete 30 credits for a masters degree?

It depends. A full time course of study is a minimum of 12 credits (that's four classes) per semester. So in short, you can do it in a year and a half, or one year if you take Summer course.

What did Brad Pitt study?

He attended the University of Missouri but did not graduate.

What kind of job can you get with an associates degree in early child hood education?

Actually you can't get very much with an associates degree since most places are not hiring them like they used to. An associate's degree could get you a job say 30 years ago, but this is 2006 and many places are requiring bachelor's degrees in education and now it's becoming readily necessary for many to return to school for master's and doctorate degrees to teach education. But an associate's won't get you very far in terms of a career in education.

What jobs can you get with an associates degree in computer programming?

Wondering the same, wish someone would answer. With associate degree in computer programming you can get an entry-level programming job in a fairly short amount of time. It can also be used as a stepping stone to a bachelors degree in a technology field. Associate degree in computer programming give students hands-on skills they need to be productive software developers in many industries, using specific skill sets and programming languages.

What degree is after a bachelor's degree in business?

The degree after a Bachelor's in business administration is a Master's degree, or M.B.A. for short. A Master's degree is the preferred degree of business majors.

What happens after the credits in the grey?

there is a very short scene after the credits showing the back of Liam Neesons head and the sound of a growling one knows for sure what happened

What is the degree of dentistry?

In the UK the degree is a Bachelor of Dental Surgery or BDS for short

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If you already have a BA in Biology is there a short cut to getting certified as a physical therapist assistant?

There really isn't a short cut because of the sequential course layout. Some credits from your biology degree will apply, however, once again because of the sequential nature of the program it would still take approximately two years to complete.