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Q: How you say Japanese in spanish?
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How do you say is Japanese in Spanish?

If you mean "_________ is Japanese," you would say, _______ es Japonés.

How do you say I am Japanese in spanish?

Soy japonés / japonesa.

How do you write garnet in Japanese?

To write the word garnet in Japanese you write ganetto. To say this word in Latin you say carbunculus and in Spanish you say granate.

How do you say my name is Cindy in Spanish?

シンディ (shindi) means "Cindy" in Japanese.

How do you say I'm studying Japanese in Spanish?

estoy estudiando japones :)

How do you say Kobe in spanish?

Kobe, a japanese city, is Kobe in spanish also. -- Proper Names are not usually translated.

How do you say six in other languages?

French: six Spanish: seis German: sechs Japanese: 六 (roku)

How do you say what Japanese food do you like in Spanish?

Que comida Japonesa te gusta a ti?

How do you say I am honored to be your friend in Japanese?

All you have to do is go to and go to the translator. It will give you a choice on Spanish to English or English to Spanish and it will let u pick between any other language that exists. If I was you I would click on the Spanish to Japanese language.

How do you say hands in a different language?

French: mains Hebrew: ידיים (yadayim) Hungarian: kezek Italian: mani Japanese: 手 spanish: manos

How do you say Japanese in spanish?

Japones/esa, depending if male or female singular. Los Japoneses if plural

What is the spanish word for sensei?

Sensei is a famous Japanese word, so you can say it in english and spanish as well. Synonyms: teacher: profesor master: maestro