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Immediately. But it will take some time to notice. In fact, you'll probably feel sick because of the nicotine withdrawal. Good luck, it's worth it.

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Where can I find info on how to quit smoking?

Someone that is looking for information on how to quit smoking can use the website Canadian Lung Association. On this site one can find information on what smoking does to their lungs, different ways to quit smoking, and support for anyone that is looking to quit smoking.

Would it be too late to quit smoking at age 63?

As you start smoking your health over time deteriorate so no in fact its better than never!

How do I quit smoking?

The have some supplements that you can take in order to quit smoking nowadays. You can also start using the smokeless cigarettes as well.

How do you quit smoking if you are addicted to it?

My mother and father smoke, And it bothers me much. If you want to start to quit smoking tell your children to remind you not to smoke. then get an eletric cigarrete...And then chose a non-smoking product to help you quit.

Is there a birth control pill that would be better to use if you smoke?

perhaps this would be a good time to quit smoking. perhaps this would be a good time to quit smoking.

Is it bad to order your parents a quit smoking kit?

No it is better to do rather than not to do it

If you quit smoking will your emphysema keep getting worse?

no. it may get better instead

You have paraeptal emphysema if you quit smoking now will it get better?

Not alot but maybe some.

When did david bowie quit smoking?

He quit smoking in 2002

When was How I Quit Smoking created?

How I Quit Smoking was created on 1996-01-30.

How do you say quit smoking in french?

quit smoking = arrêter de fumer

Should you quit smoking immediately after finding out your pregnant or take it slow?

The sooner the better. The baby will take more damage from your smoking then withdrawal.