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Q: How people think about themselves and their roles is caA group of students was told that their new teacher was humorous and easygoing. Another group was told that he was rigid and hard to work willed?
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Related questions

What is the noun form of humorous?

The noun form for the adjective humorous is humorousness. Humor is another noun form.

What is the another word that means the sames thing as funny?


What is another 8 letter word for funny or amusing?


The instructables website says that flash mobs should what?

another answer is be enjoyable this was an answer on apex:)

What is another word for liberal?

another word for liberated would freed from slavery.

Another word for amuse?

Entertaining, humorous. A good source for synonyms is a thesaurus.

Is bollocks a british word?

Yes i belive it is.It means your 'testicles' or another humorous saying for 'nonsense'

What are the Reasons why students are unresponsive in class?

Some students are unresponsive in class because they have given up or are not sure of themselves. Others just don't know the answer or are having a bad day. Usually students having another important thing going on in their lives tend to get off task or not stay focussed. An example would be a recent family death.

How many students were still alive at the end of the anime Another?

There were 23 students that survived the curse of Class 3 at the end of Another.

Do students have hair?

Of course they do. Students are "people" too ... they are not another form of the human race. Eventually the students will no longer be students ... they are no different from you or anyone else.

What is another card college students can use to obtain discounts?

Students advantage card

How can you compare and contrast puns and malapropism?

A pun is a word play that exploits multiple meanings of words for an intentional humorous or rhetorical effect, A malapropism is the use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound. The result is nonsensical and often humorous. The difference between puns and malapropism is that a pun uses a correct expression that alludes to another expression that could also be correct, but is humorous. A malapropism uses an incorrect expression that alludes to another, often correct statement.