There are no standard tuition and fee rates for colleges and universities. Each institution will have rates particular to itself. There are a number of variables to consider to include whether the institution is public or private, the geographical location, the specific program of study (some of which have greater course and/or clinical fees), and whether the school is a two year or four year institution. Once you collect the names of some colleges and universities you have an interest in, you can then research the cost specific to those institutions.
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
An arc second is 1/60th of an arc minute and 1/3600th of a degree. This means there are 60 arc seconds in an arc minute, and 3600 arc seconds in a degree.
The degree of the arc is: 30.08 degrees.
There is no such thing as one degree of minute.There are 60 minutes of arc in one degree of arc and 60 seconds of arc in one minute of arc
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
there are 60 seconds in one minute. An arc minute is 1/60 degree and an arc second is 1/3600 degree
The arc length is the radius times the arc degree in radians
2*pi*r/Arc length = 360/Degreesince both are a ratio of the whole circle to the arc.Simplifying,r = 360*Arc Length/(2*pi*Degree) = 180*Arc Length/(pi*Degree)
1 degree = 60 minutes of arc 1/2 o = 60/2 ' = 30'
a minor arc measures less than 180 degrees...
One arc second is one 3600th of a degree.
A degree is 60 minutes, so half of a degree is 30 arc minutes. Usually just referred to as minutes, as seldom is there any likelihood for confusion with time.