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Universities aren't like the FBI. They don't keep records of you nor do they send individuals to investigate you (unless it's a scout looking to recruit you). They only know what you send them. They know you attended college when you send them your transcripts. If you don't send all the info they need to know, they won't know. So be sure to find out exactly what they are looking for and make a checklist so you don't miss anything!

Untrue, now, colleges have been securing databases of entrees and applicants that are shared among hundreds of colleges across the United States. This provides for an easier flow of information from one university to another and through the collegeboard system. They are not looking for reasons to keep you out however. Unlike what many people believe, they look for the good, not the bad.

Yes they do keep records, State and public higher education schools (universitys and colleges) are required to maintain records of entrees and students dating atleast 10 years. Some may recall an incident (I believe it was Yale) where students were caught cheating 3 years after their graduation, simply because of this retained information, don't ask me exatly how but it wasquite interesting.... their diplomsa were revoked and they lost their jobs. 2 were lawyers and i believe that other was a bio-medical engineer..... interesting how that all works out.... Many colleges will also keep copies of your transcript for many more years because often times after retiring from the navy whether enlisted or through the academies, transcripts are needed for job applications.

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Q: How much of your history can state schools see and how do they know if you went to college before applying to their school?
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