

Best Answer

They make approximatly 75,000 - 100.000 a year Salary Range

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Q: How much money does a Pet Psychologist earn?
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How can you make lots of money on pet society?

Earn it

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How much does a PET Scan technician earn?

$65,000 annually

How do you get playfish cahs without paying it with real money?

you have to earn the money like you do on pet ville and yoville :D

Can you earn playfish money on pet society?

no,but you can buy it from the cash shop or complete offers.

How do you earn treats on pet hotel?

You could either buy them with real money or earn them by downloading apps

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How much does the owner of a pet shop earn?

A veternarian makes about 25,oo dollars a month

How much money is a bin pet?

the amount a bin-pet is 60 mulch

How can you earn more money in facebook pet society?

-running -visit friend -selling vegetable you can buy seed from the shop

How much money does a pet food tester make a year?

Pet food testers can earn an average salary of around $34,000 to $45,000 per year. Salaries can vary depending on experience, location, and the specific company they work for.

How do you get money in pet society on facebook?

u can get free money by visiting friends or walking through trees around the neighborhood (Only certain trees has money and it's only one coin) this probably didn't help much but if u do it almost everyday u can earn lots