Please do not take any thing to induce the labour. That is the decision taken by your gynaecologist.
3x a of 500 mg Do not use black cohosh to induce labor. It thins out the blood so you bleed more during labor. If you ask your doctor he will tell you not to take anything to induce but stick to safe methods like spicy food, walks and sex.
That depends on how big it is.
There is no scientific evidence that tea helps induce labour. It is known however that some teas can cause false contractions, but not labour.
No BCP cannot cause an abortion or miscarriage but if you try to take enough to cause this, it will make you seriously nauseous and you'll vomit.
Clary Sage oil is commonly used to treat stress, depression, and labour pains. Used according to directions it is not know to have detrimental effects. Trying to induce labour on your own is not recommended. Your doctor or mid-wife should be consulted.
Depends on how far along you are and how sever the depression is. There is some medication you can take when pregnant if it's really bad and better later in the pregnancy than early.
Um...DON'T. That baby is in there for a reason...not just to bother you with back pain and uncomfortable sleeping positions. Take a deep breath, and WAIT. Your beautiful child will decided for themself when it is best to come.
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You should not induce labor. Only a qualified obstetrician is knowledgeable enough to be the one that jumpstarts the process. If your body isn't already in labour, there is a reason for this, probably because it isn't ready. Please don't take this into your own hands. Castor oil often just causes vomiting and diarrhea, which isn't something you want during labour. It is also proven not to be effective at inducing labour.
The chemical reaction that forms the product mineral happens almost instintaneously, but for great amounts of the mineral to form depends on how much of your reactants are present, the temperature, and many other factors. Some take a few seconds and some take millions of years to form a set mass of your mineral.
2 weeks