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1st stage developed 7,648,000 pounds force, 2nd stage developed 1,000,000 pounds force, 3rd stage developed 225,000 pounds force.

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About 190 million horsepower

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Q: How much horsepower did the main engines of the Apollo Saturn V rocket generate?
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How was Apollo 13 put into orbit?

Saturn V rockets, the most powerful engines ever built, lifted all of the Apollo missions from Earth's surface into orbit.

How many horsepower did Apollo 11 have?

Apollo 11 was the name of the spaceflight as a whole, the rocket used was the Saturn V (Saturn 5). Figures of around 160 million horsepower at its peak have been brandished about, but a rockets power should really be measured by the thrust, in terms of pounds-force or Newtons. At its peak, the Saturn V rocket produced 7,648,000 pounds-force (34 million Newtons)

How many times did the Saturn v rocket liftoff?

The Saturn 5 was used from Apollo 8 to Apollo 17, so there were ten Apollo missions with the Saturn .

How much horsepower did it take to send the first men to the moon and back?

It took 7.5 million pounds of thrust to get them into earth orbit. Whatever that translates into HP. __ Mad Science has a page that translates the thrust into hp : For comparison purposes, the engines of the Saturn V launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the moon had combined horsepower equivalent to 543 jet fighters2. The five F-1 engines on the first stage produce the quivalent of 160,000,000 horsepower or about 500,000 sports cars. David Ellis, Researcher, NASA Lewis Research Center

Was Apollo 4 the same as Saturn V?

No, Apollo 4 and Saturn V were not the same. Apollo 4 was an unmanned test flight of the Apollo spacecraft, while Saturn V was the rocket used to launch the Apollo missions to the moon. Saturn V was a powerful rocket developed specifically for the Apollo program.

What was the apallo 11 rocket called?

The Apollo 11 Rocket was called "Saturn V" (Saturn 5). The Apollo 11 lander was called "Eagle".

What is the name of the rocket that launched Apollo 3?

The rocket that launched Apollo 3 was the Saturn IB rocket.

Is the Apollo Saturn V rocket Apollo 13?

No, the Apollo Saturn V rocket was the launch vehicle used in the Apollo program by NASA to send astronauts to the Moon. Apollo 13 was the name of a specific mission within the Apollo program that experienced an in-flight emergency while en route to the Moon.

What is the difference between Apollo 11 and Saturn 5?

Apollo 11 was the mission that successfully landed the first humans on the moon, while Saturn V was the type of rocket used to launch the Apollo missions. Saturn V was specifically designed to carry the Apollo spacecraft and its crew to the moon, while Apollo 11 was just one of the missions that utilized this rocket.

Who was in Apollo 4?

Apollo 4 was a test flight of the Saturn V/Apollo spacecraft. There was no crew.

What rocket launched Apollo 11 into space?

Saturn V rocket launched Apollo 11 into space on July 16, 1969.

What was the name of the rocket used to launch Apollo 13?

The rocket to launch Apollo 13 was the Saturn 5 rocket.