there are many different lengths of time you can go to school to be an ultrasound technician. You can go for a year up to 4 years. One year, which will earn you a certificate can cost as little as 1000 dollars to 3000 dollars. If you want to earn a bachelors degree in this field, it could cost around 25,000 a year or more depending on where you go to school. You can also get an associates degree in this for around 3,000.
The cost for acquiring a business management degree will vary depending on the school you attend. The cost to obtain your degree may cost anywhere from $10,000.00 to $33,000.00 per semester.
Ultrasound technician programs require students to take general medical classes before starting ultrasound-specific coursework. The most common classes include: anatomy and physiology (I and II), introduction to health care, medical terminology, cross-sectional anatomy, and basic ultrasound physics and instrumentation.&Once the general medical coursework has been completed, the student will begin taking ultrasound-specific classes: foundations of sonography, abdominal sonography, pelvic sonography, pediatric sonography, vascular sonography and high-resolution imaging techniques. These classes are designed to give students in-depth information taught through practical experience and theoretical courses.
It takes about 8 years of post secondary school to become a lawyer. If it costs about $35,000 per year of school, the cost would be about $280,000 in school cost alone.
The cost for an Associate degree will depend on which school you choose to go to. Private school will charge thousands per semester. You can get the same degree at a community college for $5 to $25 a credit (roughly $100 to $150 a semester).
The cost of a four degree varies greatly by the school in which the degree is obtained. Private colleges or Ivy League colleges are more expensive than state universities.
An ultrasound costs 50 equus. --starsun22 (eventinglover on howrse)
A four-year degree in pursuit of entry into medical school can cost upwards of 100,000 dollars. Medical school itself can cost about the same, if not more.
anybody out there?
house and lot....:D
To fix air crafts you usually need engineering degree. engineering degrees don't cost any more than other degrees. The cost depends on the school you attend.
It will depend which online school you choose. For instance, Columbia Southern University charges $200 for a credit hour, which means your bachelor's degree will cost you from $24,000 to $25,000.