The curious would-be (or might-be) student could contact B-W directly to find out about the cost of attendance. A link is provided to help you get started.
how much will it cost me to go to college
Its free?
It depends on which college you are aiming to take admission. The cost of every college varies with each other.
It depends on which college you are aiming to take admission. The cost of every college varies with each other.
Depends on the college, where you are located, and if you pay in state or out of state fees. No college is the same cost even in the same system. You have to check with the college.
It depends on what college you go to but it should be around $3,000-$4,000
There are many things which can affect the cost of going to college. If you want to go to college without a scholorship or grants it could be a $100,000 expense.