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well for 1 house,aound 10 dollars a month.

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11y ago

Ask a tax payer, they can help you with a monthly statement.

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Q: How much does hydroelectricity cost to power a building or house?
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Positive things about hydroelectricity?

Its a truly renewable power source, with a very low "fuel" cost. No green-house gases, no smoke.

How much do wind turbines reduce global warming?

They do not reduce global warming in any way they are just a source of electricity, like solar power and hydroelectricity. Solar power and wind power are renewable power sources but hydroelectricity is not due to the cost of construction and the dams breaking.

What is keeping hydroelectricity from widespread use?

For hydroelectricity to work a large, fast flowing body of water or river is needed and it has to be controlled by a dam and a large reservoir, those would need to be man made. Things that keep hydroelectricity from widespread use is the cost of building, the time to build, the environmental impacts such as possible flooding of entire valleys or towns and fishing impacts and the cost to prevent siltation. Building of hydroelectricity plants has caused many arguments and debates, so many officials do not want to deal with the issue.

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Does hydroelectricity cost much?

It is 2.2 cents

What is the cost to set up hydroelectricity?


Cost to build a house in Arizona?

The cost of building a house in Arizona varies depending on exactly what kind of house you would like to build. The average cost to build a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house is approximately $226,794.

How much does it cost to build a house Massachusetts?

An average house costs about $150,000 to $200,000 in Massachusetts. This depends on square footage, building materials and where you are building your house.

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What is the average cost to build a hydro power plant?

The average cost of building a hydro power plant on the Columbia river is 559,220,000.

How Much money went into building the Sydney Opera House?

The original building cost was 102 million dollars.

What is the average cost per square meter for building a house in Germany?