what number is require to pass ignou meg exam.
35 numbe passout in ignou
Passing assignments and term end exams (TEE) is compulsory. Minimum pass in TEE is 40%. Do assignments seriously and try to get more than 65% in assignments. In Ignou term end examination, the minimum passing marks required for any bachelor degree programme student to pass in any course is 36 out of 100. Read more at mastersearch .in/ignou-passing-marks-grade-card-calculator-online.html
35, and please don't update or put any wrong information
A masters in business administration is far more complex than reaching a single pass mark. Every university that offers such a course will have detailed and comprehensive guidance on the academic achievement required to gain an MBa.
hindi ke sandarbh main bhasha vividhta ka vivechan kijia
40% for new students (after 2007) 50% for old students (before 2007) Source: DearGeek.NET
38 marks out of 100 for your externals and 12 marks or above out of 25 for your internals will make you pass but not score. So you will need 50% or 50 marks out of 100.
32.6% ;)
i am an average student,how i can pass my MA degree through ignoue?