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It takes roughly 6-7 years to become a speech therapist, however, there is no set amount of time. A masterâ??s degree is typically the minimum requirement to find employment as a speech therapist.

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9y ago
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14y ago

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for speech therapists, also referred to as speech-language pathologists.

A master's degree is the most common level of education among speech-language pathologists. Licensure or certification requirements also exist, but vary by State.

Education and training. Most speech-language pathologist jobs require a master's degree. The Council on Academic Accreditation is an entity of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; it accredits postsecondary academic programs in speech-language pathology. While graduation from an accredited program is not always required, it is required by some States for licensure and is mandatory for professional credentialing from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. In 2009, about 240 colleges and universities offered graduate programs, at both the master's and doctoral levels, in speech-language pathology accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation. Speech-language pathology courses cover anatomy, physiology, and the development of the areas of the body involved in speech, language, and swallowing; the nature of disorders; principles of acoustics; and psychological aspects of communication. Graduate students may also learn to evaluate and treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders as part of curriculum in supervised clinical practicum.

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

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14y ago

The doctorate would take approximately four years post bachelor's degree to complete. The degree can run up to 60 credits in coursework particular to a specific field of study. The actual length of time depends much on how long it takes a student to prepare and defend their dissertation which typically follows the prescribed credit coursework. The dissertation is an individual student project advancing an original view point on a topic of the students choosing. It is developed through extensive supporting research and must be approved by the designated committee.

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13y ago

It took me 4 and 1/2 years to get my bachelor's and minor in elementary education so that I could be dually certified, and another 2 years to get my master's degree. Others can do it quicker, but that is the extremely stressful way to try to cram in all in a shorter amount of time, that would have made me insane!

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14y ago

Most speech-language pathologist jobs require a master's degree. In 2007, more than 230 colleges and universities offered graduate programs in speech-language pathology accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. While graduation from an accredited program is not always required to become a speech-language pathologist, it may be helpful in obtaining a license or may be required to obtain a license in some States.

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14y ago

The minimum requirement for a speech therapist (also referred to as a speech-language pathologist), is a master's degree. This would take approximately two to three years post bachelor's degree.

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Lvl 4
1y ago

it takes some years to know about it. so you can refer this one for your research. Speech Therapist In chennai from this website only you will know the best one. first of all go to this clinic and consult the doctors. then they will take care of your problem so, don't worry about it. they will discover the problems.

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15y ago

It truly depends on whether you are full-time or part-time. For a full-time student, it will typically take 2 years.

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16y ago

The degree will run approximately 124 to 128 credits. It is designed as a four year program of study provided the individual takes the program as prescribed by the institution.

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11y ago

It takes at least 6 months.

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Q: How many years will it take to get a masters degree in speech therapy?
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Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.Typically, a masters degree within this field of study takes two to three years depending on the specific specialty.

How many years does it take to get a mesters degree?

it takes six years to get a masters eight years to get a professional/doctoral degree and four to get a bachelors degree.