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Q: How many years does it take to complete LLB in StJosephs College in India?
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You can complete an Associate's Degree in two years in college.

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Minimum 5-6 years are required for a CA course in India

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4 years of college university 2 years of college technical training and complete high school.

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In the United States you must complete at least 7 years of college - 3 years of undergraduate college and 4 years of vet school. However, most veterinarians complete 4 years of undergraduate.

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In the US, you would need to complete at least three years of post-secondary college (undergraduate college) then complete another four years of vet school.

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you just have to complete 3 years of college, including junior college

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* complete high school * complete college with excellent grades * complete 4-years of medical school * match into an anesthesiology program (4-years duration)

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No, a two year program

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Audiology requires a bachelor's degree, which typically takes 4 years to complete, and an Au.D (Doctorate of Audiology), which takes another 4 years to complete, for a total of 8 years of college education. In addition, practicing audiologists must take continuing education courses throughout their entire career.