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Q: How many visitors does the Harvard University get per year?
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How many people are in Harvard University?

at least 1900 students attend Harvard univerity every year

How many people graduated from howard university in 1994?

According to the official website of Harvard University, 238 students were qualified in the year 1994.

What is the annual fee for Harvard University?

34,000 dollars a year

What university did Bill Gates went too?

Bill Gates attended Harvard University, but never completed his degree. He left Harvard in his sophomore year to start a company (Microsoft).

Did Bill Gates graduate High school or University?

Yes Bill Gates is a drop out , but I do not think it was from Harvard university. Although he now calls it a "leave of absence", Bill Gates "dropped out" of Harvard University in November of 1975.

Was this the first year Harvard university basketball went to the playoffs?

linsanity 202020202020202

How much was the tuition to Harvard University per year in 1920?

It cost $200.00 per year.

What are the tuitions for Harvard university?

Harvard is a very expensive private school. It would cost about $36,922.00. That is for the whole year. It is about $4626.00 for one semester.

How much does a Harvard professor make?

An average professor at Harvard University makes about $120,000 to $133,000 a year, but different professors have different salaries.

What year did theodoore Roosevelt Harvard University?

at 18, so 1876. for four years